Sign Association of Canada
Best of Canada’s Sign Industry Awards: Free Standing Signage for James Avenue Water Marker
Pattern’s collaboration with HTFC and Signex Manufacturing produced the James Avenue Water Level Indicator which was awarded Best Free Standing Sign by the Sign Association of Canada.

Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA)
2018 Jury’s Award of Excellence National Award from CSLA
Pattern’s work in the design and technical execution of several innovative features was recognized in a Jury’s Award of Excellence National Award from the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA) for Upper Fort Garry Provincial Heritage Park.

Chris D Winnipeg News
Upper Fort Garry’s Interactive Heritage Wall Ready for Action
“It just might be Canada’s largest public art installation. Upper Fort Garry Provincial Park at Broadway and Main will unveil its sound and light show attraction later today… “

Metro News
Lights, sounds, action: Upper Fort Garry interactive display ready
“The park’s app, audio and visual experiences were developed locally by Pattern Interactive, whose Jeremy Choy is very proud of the “immersive” end product.”

Heritage Winnipeg
2016 Annual Preservation Award Winners
“… Heritage Winnipeg presented the 31st Annual Preservation Awards ceremony as well as the launch of the First World War Digital Memorial Project.”

CTV News Winnipeg
Heritage Winnipeg unveils WW1 digital memorial
“A modern look through an important historic era… “

Heritage Winnipeg Official Blog
First World War Digital Memorial Coming Soon to Winnipeg’s Union Station (VIA Rail Canada)
“Developed by Pattern Interactive, the First World War Digital Memorial will recognize the major offensive battles that Canada’s Expeditionary Force participated in, listing the name, rank, and unit of each individual that was killed.”

Winnipeg Sun
History in your hands Upper Fort Garry launches with smartphone app tour
“Want to journey back in time? Well, there’s an app for that now. Visitors to the Upper Fort Garry Provincial Park in downtown Winnipeg just need to download a mobile app onto their smartphones to get an interactive tour….”

CBC News
Upper Fort Garry opens to visitors in downtown Winnipeg
“Manitoba’s newest provincial park, Upper Fort Garry, is now open to visitors in downtown Winnipeg.”

Travel Manitoba
Travel Manitoba earns two more wins – this time at Canadian eTourism Awards
Travel Manitoba continues its winning streak, taking top prize for Best Mobile Application (via Master Angler app) developed by Pattern Interactive.

Contact Us
Ask a question, inquire about a project, or arrange to meet the Pattern team in person. We’d love to say hello and find out who you are and how we can help. We love a good problem – give us your best.